EU needs economic reforms to become more competitive in the global economy

By Tomasz Rozek, Director at Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Poland.

There is a strong voice coming from Poland that after the upcoming EP elections the EU needs economic reforms to become more competitive in the global economy.

There is a widespread belief that greater deregulation and regulatory flexibility in the Union and member states, as well as the reduction of national barriers that still block the flow of goods and services in the single market, will benefit both the economies of EU members (including Poland) and the Union as a whole. It is obvious that business in Poland needs to feel secure against competitors from outside Europe.

Businesses in Poland are also clear that the European Union has introduced too much regulation, which is detrimental to the Polish economy. Change of this approach may have positive impact on short-and long-term investments of the companies in the nearest future.

Businesses do not want to be forced to change and according to PM Tusk “incentives are better than forced targets.” It applies to all EU-driven requirements in the field of energy transition, climate neutrality, ESG, etc. which now are among key concerns of Polish businesses. Simplifying and speeding up procedures combined with better access to capital is widely expected by businesses in Poland.

Poland, as one of the key agricultural countries in the EU, needs a clear policy in terms of European Green Deal. Farmers expect better communication about the planned regulations from their representatives in the next legislature and are eager to be involved in the discussions regarding future agricultural policy.

EP elections results will have an enormous impact on defence and security. Poland is one of the candidates to take a new post of defence commissioner. This would be positive news for the industry in Poland and an important message for a society living in a sense of insecurity since 2022.

Significance of upcoming elections is strengthened by the fact that Poland will lead EU for the first six months of 2025 – the first presidency under the rule of new European Commission. The win of EPP (formerly led by PM Tusk) and ruling coalition KO in Poland in EP elections will be a signal that Poland is to continue the pro-European course.

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