BestinBrussels seeks to promote best practice, the best firms and the best professionals. Our overall mission is to help connect the best Brussels public affairs advisers with clients.
Now we go a step further and look at the people behind the leading firms, to create the Directory of the Top EU Public Affairs Consultants which identifies the following 240 stand-out individuals in alphabetical order.
Clicking on the hyperlink associated with each name will lead to a detailed profile of the consultant and give useful professional information on their experience, education, specialisms and languages; together with interesting personal insights into their proudest achievements, interests outside work and their favourite Brussels anecdotes.
- Aaron McLoughlin
- Adriana Nosewicz
- Agathe van de Plassche
- Agnes Brandt
- Aida Bakri
- Alan Hardacre
- Alain Berger
- Aleš Šinkovec
- Alberta Laschena
- Alfons Westgeest
- Alise Askinezere
- Andreea Kaye
- Anna Davreux
- Andrea D’Incecco
- Andrea Parola
- Andrew Cecil
- Andreas Constantinides
- Andrew Johnson
- Angel Rebollo
- Angela Mills Wade
- Anna Lekston
- Anne MacGregor
- Antoine Mialhe
- Ariane de Bellefroid
- Attilio Caligiani
- Aurelie Marchand
- Ayrton Thevissen
- Barbara Wynne
- Beatriz Soares Carneiro
- Benita Lipps
- Benoit Roussel
- Bertrand Huet
- Biancastella de Angelis
- Brandon Mitchener
- Camilla Randazzo
- Carmen Bell
- Carmine Nino
- Carsten Hess
- Chris Mehigan
- Christoph Mielke
- Claudia La Donna
- Danai Tsapikidou
- Daniela Negri
- David Bates
- David Garcia
- David Reed
- Deborah Nash
- Donald Ricketts
- Eamonn Lawler
- Ekaterina Iarkova-Vizuroiu
- Elaine Cruikshanks
- Elizabeth Krahulecz
- Ellen Hof
- Emiliano Alonso
- Emily Pompelia
- Emma Cracknell
- Emmanouil Patavos
- Erik Jonnaert
- Fabrice Pothier
- Feriel Saouli
- Florian Lottmann
- Francesca Scassellati Sforzolini
- Francis Boeynaems
- Francisco Mingorance
- Frederic Soudain
- Gerard McNamara
- Gerardo Proaño
- Giles Keane
- Giorgio Corbetta
- Glenn Cezanne
- Grégoire Poisson
- Greta Gietz
- Hana Bartakova
- Hannalena Ivarsson
- Harry Nedelcu
- Hans Hack
- Helena Walsh
- Henrique Burnay
- Hilary Hudson
- Isabelle De Vinck
- Jacques Lafitte
- James Stevens
- Jan Ahlskog
- Jan Dröge
- Jan Hromadko
- Jasper Nagtegaal
- Javier Garrido
- Jérémie Gallon
- Jeremy Galbraith
- Jessica Brobald
- Jill Craig
- Joëlle Vanderauwera
- John Duhig
- Jonathan Faull
- Jorick Albers
- Julian Jacobitz
- Julie Cooper
- Julius Waller
- Kajsa Stenström
- Katja Murray
- Karl Isaksson
- Kasia Colombani
- Katya Kalandadze
- Kerstin Duhme
- Kevin Vindevogel
- Kieran O’Keeffe
- Kit Greenop
- Kristina Budrytė-Ridard
- Laura Batchelor
- Laura Cigolot
- Laura Rozzo
- Lawrie McLaren
- Leon de Graaf
- Lily Reisser
- Luigi Petito
- Lodewijk Buschkens
- Lotten Kronudd
- Luciano Stella
- Lucinda Creighton
- Luis Cervilla
- Lutz Dommel
- Magnus Franklin
- Margot Lotz
- Margreet Lommerts
- Maria Teresa Scardigli
- Marie Gorkem
- Marie Van Raemdonck
- Mario Filipponi
- Mark Watts
- Mathilde Bonvillain-Serrault
- Mathilde Fiquet
- Matti Van Hecke
- Maximilian von Olenhusen
- Máximo Miccinilli
- Maya Doneva
- Mette Lykke Nielsen
- Micaela Duffau
- Michele Morena
- Mikaela Nordenfelt
- Mónica Vicente Cristina
- Natacha Clarac
- Nele Devolder
- Nick Blow
- Nicholas Whyte
- Nickolas Reinhardt
- Nicola Scocchi
- Nikos Manaras
- Olalla Trénor Michelena
- Oliver Drewes
- Oliver Kaye
- Pablo López-Alvarez
- Paolo Nicoletti
- Pascal Michaux
- Pascale Moreau
- Patrick Clerens
- Pauline Massart
- Pavel Glukhov
- Peter Tulkens
- Philippe Radinger
- Pieter de Gooijer
- Raphael Delli
- Rebecca Wood
- Reimund Simon
- Rhiannon Ducas-Chevalier
- Richard Steel
- Robert Anger
- Robert Langmuir
- Roberta Lusardi
- Robert Madelin
- Robrecht Vandormael
- Rocco Renaldi
- Roxana Moldovan
- Ruth Estrada
- Ruud Wassen
- Sabrine Skiker
- Sebastian Remøy
- Sebastian Rohde
- Sebastian Vos
- Shiraz Dromi
- Shomik Panda
- Simone Casadei Pastorino
- Simon Greaves
- Simon Levitt
- Simon Terwagne
- Sophie Jacobs van Merlen
- Steffen Thejll-Moller
- Stéphane Desselas
- Stéphanie Pochon
- Teresa Calvano
- Theo Moore
- Theodoros Birmpoutsoukis
- Thomas Krings
- Thomas Linget
- Thomas Vermeeren
- Timea Strihova
- Tom Denney
- Tresja Bolt
- Timo Schubert
- Tina Ajdič
- Tom Murray
- Tuomas Tierala
- Umberto Gambini
- Valentina Polylas
- Valeria Fagone
- Victoria Main
- Viktoria Vajnai
- Vlad Andrei
- Vojtech Nemec
- Willem Vriesendorp
Apologies if your name did not appear above. Perhaps you will be in our Hall of Fame at a later date!
There are also a number of other senior consultants who did not want to be profiled but we certainly consider worthy of an honourable mention notably; David Turier, Frances Hunt-Wood, Gregor Kreuzhuber, Guylaine Vandooren, Hans Kribbe, Katarina Maaskant, Meglena Mihova, Peter Guilford, Philippe Blanchard, Thomas Barros-Tastets and Tim Price. Together with the Top Consultants in our Directory these are the top 220 EU Public Affairs Consultants.
In addition there are many outstanding part-time Senior Advisers to Top Consultancies such as Pascal Lamy at Brunswick Group but this Directory does not cover such individuals – but we may compile a list of Senior Advisers in subsequent editions!
If you can’t find the person you are looking above you can search through the Top Consultancies where we also highlight these individuals.