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About Euralia

Brussels Office Since


Firm Description

EURALIA is an independent consultancy based both in Brussels and Paris, specialized in European and French public affairs.

Our objective: to create the best conditions for our clients’ positions to emerge in the public, political and regulatory debate at European and national level.

Our DNA: to support our clients with a single team of expert consultants, to meet their needs and concerns whether it is in Brussels or Paris, given the interconnexion of the two levels of governance – national and European.

Ownership Structure

EURALIA is an independent company owned by Didier SALLE and Mathilde BONVILLAIN-SERRAULT

International Network

  • Brussels
  • Paris

Key Strengths

  • High level of expertise in EU and French affairs and specific regulatory fields
  • Combined lobbying strategy in Brussels and Paris, with the same teams
  • Independence
  • Mix up of young professional and experienced leaders
  • Ability to anticipate political and regulatory risks as well as clients expectations
  • Tailor-made service and results oriented
  • Integrity and high ethical standards
  • Partnership relationship
  • EU Fuding support: from opportunity identification to project management

Number of Public Affairs Consultants

13 consultants based in Brussels and Paris

Key Clients

France Post-Marché, AGEA – Fédération française des agents généraux d’assurance, ASF – Association française des sociétés financières, BIPAR, CNCC – Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes, CNOMK – Conseil National de l’Ordre des Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes, Comité du Pineau des Charentes, ETI – Euro-Toques International, EUCOPRO, EUF – European Association for the Factoring and Commercial Finance Industry, EUREFAS – European Refurbishment Association, Euricpa, Eurosud, Groupement Les Mousquetaires, I-CAD, InterChanvre, Limagrain, L’Oeuvre d’Orient, MAIF, SNVEL – Syndicat National des Vétérinaires en Exercice Libéral, Thales, UEVP – Union européenne des Vétérinaires praticiens, EUCOPRO, Futerro, etc.

Testimonials and why clients like to work with us

“EURALIA’s consultants are excellent partners both in strategy planning and action implementation.”

“An almost 30-year partnership: That says it all about EURALIA don’t you think?”

Best Consultants

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