Best consultancies

About Pantarhei Corporate Advisors

Brussels Office Since


Firm Description

In a rapidly changing and increasingly complex environment, we find future-proof answers to your communication challenges – no matter where you are in Europe. We combine the specialist expertise of a strategic Public Affairs and communications agency with the analytical, process-based approaches of a management consultancy.

Ownership Structure

Pantarhei is a 100% partner-led and partner-managed corporate consultancy.

International Network


Key Strengths

Deep understanding of business models and how they are affected by political intervention.

Broad network and the ability to build alliances and platforms from the scratch.

Vast experience in Public Affairs at both national and EU level.

Number of Public Affairs Consultants


Key Clients

Raiffeisen Bank International, Greiner, Association of Construction Products, InFamily Food, Austrian Post, Amiblu.

Best Consultants

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
