Best consultants

Aaron McLoughlin

Aaron McLoughlin, Senior Advisor


My Job

Been with FH for 10 years. I help find solutions to some of the most challenging political and regulatory problems. Most of the time dealing with Better Regulation and secondary legislation/comitology.

My Experience

A diverse portfolio. Head of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Cefic, Head of WWF’s European Marine Programme, Academic at IES-VUB,  Desk officer in DG Environment, and Political Adviser to 2 British Labour MEPs.

My Proudest Achievements

Working for Anita Pollack MEP back in 1998 on the passage of the 1st Daughter Directive on Air Quality, we got the new Labour Government to implement air quality laws in Northern Ireland.  There is now an air quality measuring machine in my home town Newry, N.Ireland.

My Education

Masters in European Law from Essex University and a degree in law from Nottingham Trent University.

My Languages


My Interests outside work

Book worm, dog owner and policy wonk.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
