Best consultants

Agathe van de Plassche, Managing Partner

Political Intelligence

My Job

As one of the newly appointed Managing Partners at Political Intelligence Brussels, I manage one of our main practices, the cross-sectorial team, where we work with clients active in healthcare, energy, transport, and food. What I like the most about this is understanding the ecosystems and industries of our clients, to design tailor-made and creative PA strategies with them. I am also active in day-to-day business and HR operations, including overseeing the communications practice and all external (group) communications.

My Experience

After pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business management, I followed my family’s path working in the textile industry for one of Morocco’s largest production manufacturers in Casablanca. Then, wanting to switch to my second passion, I reoriented myself towards politics by doing a traineeship at the United States Embassy to Belgium within their commercial services. It was the winning combo, politics and business! This led me to do a master’s degree in European studies and then to work at Better Finance, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users. Finally, I landed at Political Intelligence where I was able to learn and evolve from Intern to Senior Consultant, and now Managing Partner. This final step is the concretisation of my career aspirations as I really get to apply everything that I like to do, while being surrounded by fun and extremely talented people.

My Proudest Achievements

An achievement that we are all very proud of at PI (but especially me) is the exponential growth of the cross-sectorial team, which was only possible thanks to the trust of our clients and tremendous team effort. The second is our internal progress in recent months towards developing an improved organisational structure, setting the ground for further growth, including (but not limited to) improving employees’ personal development plans to further develop their talents, enhancing their well-being and cultivating an open culture of feedback.

My Education

  • Bachelor’s degree in international business and management at HZ University
  • Master’s degree in European Studies at Bremen University

My Languages

  • French
  • English

My Interests outside work

Passionate about collectible design and modern art, in my spare time I try to attend as many gallery weekends and fairs across Europe. At home, we love big dinners with family and friends sitting at huge tables filled with tasty dishes from around the world, accompanied by good wine, interesting discussions and sometimes big debates, but most importantly lots of joy and laughter.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

Brussels is an interesting city for many aspects – art, culture, music, food, politics, you name it! But perhaps most interesting of all are the people that fill its streets and the many languages they speak. One of the funniest things is that you might overhear two Frenchies having a meeting in English because that’s what they are used to speak for work related things, or even better people having conversations that start in Italian and finish in English, with some French words thrown around in the middle. And although this might confuse some, this is one of the reasons I love it here.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
