My Job
Putting my experience of the European policy and institutional landscape at the service of our clients, companies and trade associations, to strategically guide them and help deliver on their public affairs goals. I run several client accounts while also guiding the work of our Brussels team on sustainability and environment.
My Experience
EU policy has been at the centre of my interest and career ever since I first had a class on European history at university. After a brief stint in the European Commission, I worked for two years on the complex and challenging EU-China relations as the EU-China Project Manager of the Madariaga-College of Europe Foundation after carrying a research project on EU-China-Africa relations. After a year studying Mandarin Chinese at Shanghai Jiaotong University, I decided to shift focus to EU internal policies and joined Landmark in 2015. Since then, I have gained significant expertise on a broad range of policies in the digital, nutrition, agriculture and environment spheres, with a dedicated focus on sustainability related policies – from renewable energy to circular economy and sustainable supply chains -, leading Landmark’s support to the public affairs strategy of major companies in these areas.
My Specialisms
My Proudest Achievements
Working with a newly established NGO and successfully defeating an attempt to ban use of meat denominations for plant-based products. I provided advice and “hands-on” direct support to help this NGO coordinate a multi-stakeholder alliance (companies, trade associations, NGOs), leverage press and social media, and convince one at a time, within a tight deadline, Members of Parliament to reject the motion. Not only did it result in a great outcome for the client, but the campaign also served as a fantastic opportunity to establish their reputation and network.
My Education
- Master in European Studies, Catholic University of Louvain
- BA and Master in French and Spanish Literature, Catholic University of Louvain
My Languages
English, French, Spanish.
My Interests outside work
Field hockey; reading (a lot of) novels; backcountry skiing and mountaineering