Best consultants

Eamonn Lawler, Managing Director, Energy & Environment

Penta (formerly Hume Brophy)

My Job

I lead our EU energy, environment and climate work, managing a team of highly skilled consultants. We work with our clients to understand how legislation will impact them and then use data-insights from in-house sentiment analysis tools, public polling, focus groups and policymaker research to understand the political, public, media and key opinion leader context. We combine all of this to develop campaign strategies, create campaign assets and deliver for our clients.

My Experience

I’ve worked for Penta (formerly Hume Brophy) for almost 10 years. I started out in our Dublin office as an intern before making my way to Brussels.

My Proudest Achievements

It might be a bit of a cliché, but growing our energy & environment team, and seeing the colleagues I work with mature into the consultants they’ve become has been by far the most rewarding part of my job.

My Education

  • Bachelors in History & Political Science from Trinity College Dublin
  • Advanced Diploma in Legislative Drafting from the Honorable Society of King’s Inns
  • Certificate in Electricity Markets from the Florence School of Regulation

My Languages

English, Norwegian, German.

My Interests outside work

Sports-mad, food-obsessed, politics junkie, keen reader and an enjoyer of time with family and friends.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

The EU is both big and small at the same time: I recently met someone who went to my school while I was on exchange in Germany as a 15 year old, and we have since collaborated together on work related topics. A nice encapsulation of the benefits of EU integration and freedom of movement.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
