Best consultants

Hilary Hudson

Hilary Hudson, Head of Travel, Transport & Logistics


My Job

As Head of Travel, Transport & Logistics Practice at FIPRA, my role is to provide strategic and tactical, political and governmental advice to a number of clients in the transport, travel, tourism and logistics sectors. I also lead FIPRA’s European Parliament Task Force and edit our internal newsletter, The FIPRA Informative. You’ll also find me actively supporting the development of FIPRA’s global reach through engagement with the FIPRA Network, while I also support our running team, FIPRun, where we run to keep staff active for both their physical and mental health.

My Experience

I have over 15 years of experience working with and for clients in understanding and engaging with the EU institutions and having a positive impact on the decision-making process. I am an expert in EU political processes, helping clients devise the right strategies to make their voices heard – being impactful for positive change. Nothing is done without a purpose and an eye on the bottom line.
Prior to entering public affairs, I worked for a Member of the European Parliament in Brussels covering issues in the Constitutional Affairs Committee. I also previously served two Members of Parliament in Westminster (UK) – where I first served a Conservative Party MP, working mostly on foreign relations, and then a Labour MP, where her work was more constituency focused.

I joined FIPRA from another Brussels based consultancy where my work in transport and travel began.

My Proudest Achievements

Heading up FIPRA’s Transport, Travel and Logistics team where on a daily basis I see my team deliver real results that matter to our clients. Developing a trusted team of intelligent and thoughtful consultants makes me proud every day.

My Education

I completed my law degree at the University of Durham in the UK. Additionally, I spent one year studying at the Katholic University of Leuven, Belgium, as part of the Erasmus programme where I completed studies in European and International Law.

My Languages


My Interests outside work

I’m a runner – running helps me to think, and sometimes to stop thinking! There’s nothing better than hitting the trails and soaking in the fresh air ! I’m also a footballer and play for a Brussels ex-pat team, while I’m also an avid reader and politics-watcher.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

At an all-male maritime event a few years ago, I made a number of contributions to the conference, asking important questions for our clients etc. Looking at the post-event photos, however, the only one they caught of me was when I was digging into a coffee break croissant. The camera never lies! It is welcoming to start seeing more women taking active roles in our field of work – but more could be done to ensure we get the right balances!

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
