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Sebastian Remoy

Sebastian Remøy, Executive Vice President – Global Head of Public Affairs


My Job

I am a member of Kreab Worldwide’s Executive Board, I develop Kreab’s network of agencies. I drive the strategy to deliver excellent Public Affairs solutions around the world. I run our Trade and Competition Practice in Brussels, and also coordinate our advice to clients on Brexit.

My Experience

  • Senior Official in EEA Coordination Division of EFTA Secretariat
  • Acting Head of Commercial Section, US Embassy Oslo
  • Head of Energy and Environment – Senior Officer in Commercial Section, US Embassy London
  • Policy Analyst, US Congress – Office of Technology Assessment
  • Policy Analyst, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC

My Proudest Achievements

Acquisition and incorporation of financial regulatory boutique consultancy, Houston Consulting, into Kreab

My Education

  • Sussex University, MA International Relations
  • Paderborn University/Nottingham Business School, BA Hons European Business
  • Volda – Norwegian, Communication and Media
  • Babson – Post Graduate course at Omnicom University

My Languages

  • English
  • Norwegian
  • French
  • German

My Interests outside work

Family, Writing, Cycling, Cooking

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

Brussels: time is precious – a company representative goes into a meeting with Commissioner and starts talking about golf and the weather. The Commissioner was very polite and indulged the rep in the conversation, but after 5 minutes got up and left saying he had another meeting to get to. The baffled company rep said “But I never got to my point”, and the Chef de Cabinet answered “precisely!” 

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
