Best consultants

Steffen Thejll-Moller, Partner

Rud Pedersen

My Job

I advise organisations on how to shape politics and policy ‘indirectly’ by communicating more effectively, and identifying, building and mobilising bigger communities of support.

My Experience

17 years as a consultant at agencies ranging from tiny to mid-size boutiques to a global top-3 firm. I’ve worked across public affairs, corporate communications, brand marketing, research, and digital, and try to apply lessons from each when advising clients on how to shape policy and build political capital.

My Specialisms

My Proudest Achievements

Probably what I’m doing now: being a part-owner of a company that has quintupled in size in 3 years and people seem to be happy work for.

My Education

University of Oxford, Modern History and Languages.

My Languages

English, Italian, Danish

My Interests outside work

I’m part Italian but have never lived there. To make it up, I’m obsessed with all things Italian.

My Favourite Brussels anecdote

When digital advocacy was first a thing and I set up my agency’s digital practice, I was constantly being asked to fix people’s computers. We’ve come on a bit since.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
