Best consultants

Tuomas Tierala, Partner


My Job

In my role, I support our clients in the energy and tech sectors. In the energy sector I focus, among other issues, to support TSOs, renewables, H2, nuclear and energy intensive industries. In the tech sector, the clients range from cloud policies to AI and data policies.

Worked with Amazon Web Services and forest industry companies. Before moving to Brussels, I headed the public affairs practice of Kreab in Finland.

My Experience

From a personal standpoint, being able to raise two beautiful children with my wife. From work perspective, being able to find a political solution in the midst of the trilogues to find a carve-out for our clients’ products. Furthermore, to build strategies to build further carve-outs or derogations for our clients in the legislation.

My Education

  • Helsinki University, 2017 (Master of Social Sciences, major in Political History with minors in Sociology, EU Law, Political Science)
  • ESCP University, Master of International Business, 2022.

My Languages

English, Finnish (Swedish).

My Interests outside work

I coach my son’s ice hockey team, run, go to the gym, cycle daily, read whenever I get the chance. Most of my free time is spent with my children and family.

Best in Brussels 2024/25 Report

Best in Brussels is the first and only independent resource for organisations wanting to identify, compare and choose the best partners in Brussels for their advocacy needs.
